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Their Sensitive Side!

Get in-touch with your dog's sensitive side.

End the scratching, NOT the joy of eating.

The Right Food for Your Dog!

Holistic Nutrition Worth Waggin’ About!

Did you know that less than 1% of all dogs are actually diagnosed with food allergies?  More often than not, allergies are confused with environmental allergies or food sensitivity. The Pet Pantry offers a wide range of recipes that deal with food sensitivity and allergies.  Your dog may have allergies, but before going down the long, expensive path with your Vet, let us help with food, resources and tips to help you and your dog. Happier, healthier pets and the convenience of FREE home delivery is what The Pet Pantry is all about.

Allergy to what?

The top three common allergens for dogs are fleas, environmental factors (such as pollen, grasses, and weeds), and certain food ingredients like beef, dairy, chicken and wheat. Among these, environmental allergies are significantly more prevalent than food allergies in dogs. While only about .2% of dogs suffer from food allergies, 10% to 15% of dogs suffer from environmental allergies.  It is much more likely your dog has an environmental allergy.

Food Sensitivity/Allergy

While the symptoms, cause and pattern of a sensitivity and allergy are similar, there is a difference. A food allergy is an immune reaction to a protein (allergen). Symptoms can range from mild to severe or life-threatening. Food sensitivity involves a gradual reaction to an ingredient without immune involvement and is typically less severe than allergies.

Symptoms: Digestive issues like vomiting, diarrhea, or chronic gas; itchy ears, paws, and sometimes hives or facial swelling. Food allergies can also manifest in behaviors like constant scooting or issues with the anal glands.

Cause: Usually triggered by specific proteins in the dog’s diet, such as beef, dairy, chicken or wheat.

Pattern: These allergies do not follow a seasonal pattern and can occur year-round, depending on the dog’s diet.

Environmental Allergy

When a dog has environmental allergies, their immune system overreacts to a substance, called an allergen, in their environment.

Symptoms: Itchy, inflamed/infected skin, ear infections, Red, itchy, or watery eyes, Respiratory issues such as difficulty breathing, coughing or wheezing, and possibly gastrointestinal issues. Dogs with environmental allergies often exhibit excessive licking, scratching, and biting at their skin, paws, or ears.

Cause: Caused by allergens in the environment, such as pollen, mold, dust mites, and grasses. Fleas are another common environmental allergen.

Pattern: These allergies are typically seasonal, with flare-ups during specific times of the year when allergens like pollen and grass are most abundant. However, allergies to things like dust mites and mold can be present throughout the year, especially indoors.

What can you do?

To manage food allergies or sensitivities, identify and eliminate the trigger ingredient through a dietary elimination trial. Remove suspected allergens and monitor your dog’s response, avoiding any ingredients they’ve previously eaten.  Typically a food trial will last up to 90 days.

The Pet Pantry offers tailored food options for your dog’s special needs. With over 20 years of experience, we’re here to help. Submit a Free Sample Request, and we’ll guide you in choosing the best food to help your dog thrive and live a healthy, happy life.

Stop that scratching…

We Are Here to Help!

Click the ‘Food Recommendation & Sample’ button below, complete the form, and receive a personalized food recommendation along with a free sample.  Prefer to speak with someone?  Call us at (919) 303-1990. We’re available most days from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM and are here to help!

Food Recommendation & Sample