This page is dedicated to the pals that are in our lives, or have been in our lives, that have been special to us in each of his or her own unique way. Use this page to tell us about your pal because they are as special to us as they are to you and we want them to be recognized, or remembered, as such! Enjoy the stories below about our pals.
*Please include a photo or two! Submissions will not appear immediately.
Marty is part hairless breed. He was rescued from Saving Grace. I first met him in the winter. He was cold! He loves his new life and “his” queen size bed!
A gray and white cat showed up in the back yard of some people who had adopted a cat from a gal in my TNR (trap neuter return) group. They called her and she scooped her up on the way to a clinic one morning. She was the most emaciated cat I have ever seen and she was filthy. After she got anesthesia, we realized that not only had she already been spayed but she was declawed! We knew she could not go back out again.
We had trouble rousing her from anesthesia and her temperature would not come up. An experienced volunteer washed her in warm water and we wrapped her in towels from the dryer and, eventually, she recovered. This volunteer took her home for a few days since she was in such poor condition. She had gone so long without food that she would not eat and had to be force fed for three days until she started eating on her own. Her blood work was all over the place.
I got to pick her up after she had been with the more experienced volunteer for a week. Poor thing — still so skinny and her nose was banged up from being in a trap. I was thinking about names and decided to name her Queen Latifah — as she had gone from the hood to happiness (or she was on her way). That name derived down to Queenie and I liked to call her Queenie Bo Beanie.
Queenie hated everyone for awhile. She would sit and stare at me, loathing in her eyes. A friend said “that’s a cat only a true cat lover could love”. But I did love her and, after a few months, her facade cracked and she let her guard done and become such a loving cat. She would sleep between my pillows at night, often with her tiny feet on my shoulder. I could tell that her feet still bothered her. I believe she had suffered a botched declaw.
Queenie was about seven years old when she came to me. She lost her skinny look quickly and got a bit too heavy for awhile. We were together for ten more years. She was a very special cat and we had such a strong connection. I felt she was wise and she shared her calm nature with me.
Queenie developed kidney failure as she neared twenty years. She deteriorated quickly and I knew it was time to let her go. It was so very hard. I still miss my Queenie Bo Beanie. I hope the Rainbow Bridge is real and I will find her waiting on me after I die.
Photos: the first picture shows what bad shape she was in when she came to the spay clinic. The next photo show her perched on a window sill and the third shows her lying between my pillows. I wish I would find her there tonight when I go to bed.
I do have six other cats to keep me company and each is special in their own way. Many of them are getting older. I will have to let each go when it is their time. That is a bond I have with them. I will not allow them to suffer. Bless them all!! (And they all eat Holistic Choice food by the Pet Pantry.) Judy – Winston Salem
We adopted Abby when she was nine months old as our very first dog. She was a wonderful first dog, but came with a basket of separation anxiety. We tried everything we could think of – we crated her when we were gone, we put her in a thundershirt, we played NPR, we restricted the amount of time we were away. But she was still destructive if not crated and if crated, would drool tremendously and then endlessly walk laps around the downstairs until she relaxed.
We didn’t want to go the medication route. Right before she turned four, we decided that maybe what she really needed was her own dog. We went back to Wake SPCA to adopt a smaller, 2-3 year old male. What we came home with was six year old, 90 pound Tucker! In 3 days time, all of her anxiety disappeared and we no longer had to crate her at all. Those were the best four years of our doghood. While they weren’t snuggle buddies, they did balance each other and she even taught Tucker how to play some (although he was much too smart and realized that there was little ROI when playing tug with her). Sadly, we lost Tucker December 2017 to a fast growing spinal cancer.
Within days, all of Abby’s anxiety came bounding back. And although none of the humans in the household were ready for another dog, we knew that Abby needed another dog in the house. This time, the SPCA brought us a 40 pound dingo-ish guy with huge ears. Finn gives great hugs, always has to be touching someone, and might be even more anxious than Abby! But Abby is happy again. Finn loves to play – to chase – to tug – and to lick Abby’s face silly. (Kaufman Family)
My Izzie and Gracie… the 2 best failures of my life. These sisters came to me in an urgent foster situation as they were at a shelter that still gassed dogs. These pups were sickly looking and we didn’t have much time. Took the 2 hour drive to pick these tiny 2 month old pups up and brought them home. At the time, I had a 15 year old Pom, my sweet Romeo, that had recently been diagnosed with heart failure, so it was a risk I was taking but I was going to make it work, it was just temporary. Just days after getting them, I had to rush Gracie to the vet. She laid there on the table, the vet said she likely wouldn’t make it… parvo is evil. Before they quickly swept her off, I held her one last time, with tears streaming down my face and told her “You pull through this, and you and your sister will have a forever home and be loved more than you could ever know”. 2 days later I got the call that they had never seen a pup so sick from parvo turn around so quickly. I kept my promise and here we are 5 years later.
It hasn’t come without some headaches. 2 lab pups can leave a path of destruction in the time it takes to blink. They ate my couch (yup, ate it), made sure to nibble on every single piece of freshly laid floor molding, countless shoes and remotes…Izzie still can’t be trusted with a pillow or dog bed. They bark at the wind just to startle me. They spend time messing with me by begging to go out, and come back in, and go back out again… but I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. They each have completely different personalities. Izzie wakes up every morning and thoroughly cleans Gracie’s eyes, nose, mouth and ears… and then repeats it at bedtime. Gracie likes to find her chair in the sun and catch in the fresh air, and can talk anyone into a belly rub.
As for my Romeo, the girls brought him back to life. This boy, who had been told he might have a couple months left in late 2011, was suddenly spunky and playful, and developed very much of a “big brother” relationship with his 2 “little” sisters. Gracie would snuggle up with him in the kennel, and we were one big happy family. Romeo lived almost 2 more years, passing away shy of his 17th birthday. Without my girls, I’m not sure I would have remembered to get up every day and breathe. My heart was shattered, but they were there for me, licking my tears… grieving in their own way.
Most of the time, we aren’t proud of our failures. But I don’t think any of us regret being foster failures. My girls saved me when I didn’t know I needed saving.
Sienna: This beauty lights up my life everyday. She is sweet,gentle and loves everyone. She prefers humans and will always sit to be petted. She will also let you know when you are “shirking” your duty by hitting you in the leg until you do! She is getting older and slower and I cherish every day I have with her. My love.
Sadie was amazing… from the moment we met, we were kindred spirits. Me, having just lost my mom and having an anxiety disorder and her, being nervous and protective.
The first time I met my husband he was telling me about his dogs. One, a male pitbull who was a big sweetheart and his other dog, a female pit mix who wasn’t so nice. Especially to women and strangers. I fell into both categories at that time but I love animals and was still excited to meet them. That first time meeting her, he unlocked the door and said, “Don’t be scared, she’s going to bark a lot.” As he opened the door and my eyes met Sadie, I knew. She and I shared the same soul. I crouched down to her level and she came to me and a little nervously but with a few anxious growls, let me pet her and love on her. My husband stood in amazement. He told me later she never liked any of his previous girlfriends and had tried to bite one. (Lol) Sadie was very protective of my husband. And from that moment on she was protective of me too. That was years ago… in 2015 hubs and I found out I was pregnant! Oh, how excited we were! In my pregnancy Sadie stuck to me like glue. In my 5th month, husband brought home a rescue animal. A beagle. Sadie wasn’t thrilled. It was a young dog but she tolerated it. One afternoon as I was cleaning up. I let them all out. That beagle attacked my Sadie. She was older and couldn’t get her off. With me being pregnant, I couldn’t fight the beagle off either. I called my husband at work, and he came home immediately. We took her to the emergency vet. They couldn’t save her. She died a few days later.Sadie showed me so much about myself. She loved me, protected me and was loyal and beautiful.R.I.P.
Sadie Mae Wong
Last year, I lost my sweet girl, Georgia, very unexpectedly to lymphoma. She was loving and loyal to the end. She will live forever in my soul and not a day will pass that her sweet soul is not missed. I have adopted a new girl, Izzy, whom I adore. Izzy is not a replacement but a new addition to our family. Rest in peace, my sweet Georgia brown…. my you chase tennis balls until your heart is content! (Hopefully, God has a automatic ball thrower!!)
How can you sum up 13 years of unconditional love in a few paragraphs? It’s so hard to lose a family member so precious. I sit and think there are so many great and endearing stories about my girl, Anna.AnnaHaving finally finished my design degree I decided to get another dog for myself. It was time. I met Anna aka Trowsnest’s Shall We Dance (from the movie the King and I) on a snowy night in New Hampshire. I was reluctant to get another dog after losing a wonderful one and feeling terrible, but it’s the famous cliché “better to loved and lost then to have not loved at all.” That sums up my relationship with dogs. I love having them but hate to lose them. I know my life would be boring without them. I decided it was time.
Before Anna had lived with me a month, my Dad became tragically ill and spent six weeks at the local medial center. My Mom and I stayed up the night he was admitted. The doctor told us that he probably wouldn’t live through the night…oh but he did and that is when Anna and I decided she would become a therapy dog because my father had lived.
Anna’s claim to fame was her love of people especially children. She was in every sense a healer. She was and probably will be the best therapy dog I could ever ask for. As soon as I put her vest on, she went “to work”. I was purely holding the other end of the leach while watching her comfort so many people. I often thought of quitting the hospital, but she was so empathetic that I simply could not. She always sought out family visitors of the sick children thinking they probably needed it most. It was beautiful to watch. When she was ten, a young boy asked me if she would jump on his hospital bed, I said she didn’t do that anymore. Before I knew it she had launched herself onto the bed and cuddled with the boy.
A few years ago, I remember visiting a park with my mother and my son, Gabriel, and a women coming up to my mom and asking her if that was Baby Anna. My mom told her yes and the woman relayed a story of how Anna had visited her daughter a few months ago in the hospital.
After Anna worked at Wake Medical Center for ten years, she officially retired having accumulated hundreds of volunteer hours through the years. I guess you could say she had achieved her PHD in therapy work. I knew Anna liked to work and loved to be fussed over so she became involved with another program called “See Spot Read”. We went to the meetings and listened to the training and guidelines and then started when Anna was 11 years old. It was a match made in heaven. We traveled to some local elementary schools so that we could sit with children on an individual basis and have them read to her. She was a seasoned listener having been in Gabriel’s room listening to the books since he was an infant.
When visiting a school in the county while signing in, I could see Anna watching the children filing out of the cafeteria. She shifted back and forth in her happy dance and wanted to see the kids. I decided to bend the rules a little and let the leash go. She immediately wiggled her way into the crowd. I could no longer see her but heard her. The kids swarmed her. All I heard was Anna making those happy sounds…as we would call them…her “pig” sounds. I think dogs grin because when I finally found her in the crowd happy and smiling. I told Brian that night that she didn’t need to be touched that day…that she had gotten all her touching in for one day.
We also had the opportunity to visit our local library and let the children read to her there too. Sometimes she would fall asleep if the story was that good!
September 006She was the Mama dog but also a free spirit who lived in the moment which is why we called her Baby Anna too. She was a mama dog to my new son and the best nanny we could ask for…always there for the book reading. Although she didn’t think it was funny when Brian put her in Gabriel’s crib. Anna would let us roll her on her back to scratch her belly and loved when we often squeezed, kissed, and hugged her excessively. She chose Brian as her playmate and chew toy. She rough housed with him and my Dad only…the sound of cotton sweatshirt sleeve tearing was music to her ears. When Brian would return home from work every day, Anna would bound up the steps, jump onto our bed, and prepare for a wrestling match with Brian.
Anna did have an alter ego. She enjoyed the art of shredding her stuffed animals. “Are you looking at me?” We often thought she might be thinking this when given a new toy. Spitting the eyes out and dismembering became a custom. No more eye contact.
She was determined at the beach to spend the day body surfing or retrieving her water toy “bongo”.Her head would bob at night trying to fight off sleep so she wouldn’t miss anything. We would laugh at her when her head would drop. Anna wasn’t always cute and nice, she was ruthless and a calculated killer of ghost crabs. What a challenge to sniff, dig, and then “play” with them. We laughed when she got pinched on the nose all in the line of duty.
When I first started to write this I felt terrible, but that’s not what my girl was to me. I could go on with hundreds of other stories which is what she was to me. Anna and I were entwined spirits that were blessed to have danced together for 13 years. She was a magical healer for my family and for many others.
You’ll forget the sun in the jealous sky as we walk in fields of gold.
You raised me up so I could stand on mountains…which made anything possible. Thanks to my Anna.
Apollo is a 5 year old Great Dane that was found walking down I-85 and taken to a shelter in Greensboro. He was adopted my a really nice family but they couldn’t keep him because they had lost an income. I worked with one of this families neighbors and agreed to go look at him, so my husband and I loaded our goldendoodle in our two door car to go meet Apollo. He was very skittish and the meeting with our current dog, Abby, didn’t go well at all. On the way home I told my husband that there was no way we were taking that dog into our home, I couldn’t risk Abby getting bitten. The next day when I woke up I had had a complete change of heart. We had the family bring Apollo off at our house and for the next month we were very busy trying to earn his trust. At first he didn’t like Abby and even bit her once early on, but now they are inseparable and I can’t imagine our daily lives without him in it! He took a lot of patience and love, but he has mirrored it right back to us! We just had our first child in February, and Apollo has become her protector and playmate. At 140lbs he sure is a gentle giant. – Holly
We got Rudy when they were still selling pets at the NC State Fair Grounds, he was only 9 wks old. We have had him now for 9 yrs. He is such a special, and smart dog. He loves to invent his own games to play with us. He loves people and welcomes EVERYONE that comes to our home. He is a dachshund full blooded medium size. He even says “I love you” for his treat and gives big kisses when he’s finished with it. We love him sooo much. – Dorothey Fleming
Cuda is a rescue from a backyard breeder. She has numerous physical traits that may be associated with inbreeding including a tilted rib cage, rear “hocked” legs, a fused neck and tail and a tiny stature. She is healthy and happy and a testament to survival. We created a page for her that boasts close to 5000 fans. We have done fundraisers for many animal related causes. We will be attending the ComeUnityNow Music and Arts Festival in Raleigh on July 30th to help raise money for the tornado victims from April 16th. We know personally some of those victims and are thrilled to be part of this! . Thank you!! – Julie LeRoy
Eight months pregnant, the heat of summer, and our elderly dog was not doing well. This was NOT the time to look for another dog to add to our family. But I saw an ad on Craig’s List for a St. Bernard so we went to “look” at her (we love the big breeds.) One look and we knew we were going to get her to a better life. Lexie was in a pen right beside a cornfield and was burning up in July! She was matted, had horrible fleas, ear mites, worms, etc… We put her in the SUV and drove away- when we got her home we would not get her out of the air conditioned car- she wanted to stay in the cool air! Our Lexie was house trained and crate trained but had NO manners- and for a 120 lb dog that is not good. She was my bulldozer. Training at K9- Solutions helped a lot with her manners and no socialization with people. The Pet Pantry food gave her the most beautiful coat. Our love we gave her has come back to us tenfold. She is definitely a “momma’s girl” and my dog of the four we have. My big girl- Lexie “aka- Bulldozer, Hambone”- Leslie Eudy Carwell
Rescued from a home with another dog who terrorized her, Layla came into our lives as a young 12 week old pup. She’s the sweetest, happiest and trick-loving pup…she’s a big snuggler, curious, and loves to talk to us with her big brown eyes. 🙂
– Nancy & Adam
Last June boneaftersomething just told me to look on the Harnett County Animal Control’s website. If you are not familiar with this shelter it is high kill (every Wednesday they are closed because that is the day they euthanize the animals.) I saw this picture of a dirty looking Great Pyrenees and the next day we loaded up the family and went to the shelter. When we first got there my husband went in first just to make sure he was still there before we unloaded two dogs and a toddler. I still remember his face and the tone of his voice when he came back to the car and said “that dog has had a hard life.” I quickly found out that was an understatement. Bones had probably been tethered his whole short life, was malnourished, an abused. We loaded him up with our family and took him home. It took him almost a week before he would come up to us in our backyard- he was terrified of people especially men. I have taken him to some basic training classes and we are socializing him more with people but he is still a work in progress but he is slowly getting becoming a more balanced dog. He has now put on 20 lbs and is a more healthy weight and his coat is beautiful (with Holistic Growth & Performance dry food.) Bones is a true Pyr and a gentle boy and is a sweetheart with our toddler. Bones has come a long way in one year with us but he is still a work in progress. It does my heart so good to seem in running all over his back yard playing with his toys and his buddy, our other HCAC rescue, Lucy. He now has his tail up and seems to bounce around “guarding” his area of any birds that dare try to eat at the bird feeder. This is my sweet little Pyr my Bone-Bones.
My handsome hound boys are former rescue pups who now enjoy couches, a private zoo of stuffed animals, a chauffeur driven Jeep and hotels! Yep, they have made some long car trips and really enjoy the hotel part of the journey the best . They are ‘paying it forward‘ by being fabulous foster brothers and sharing some of their Pet Pantry chow! – Andrea Norton
These two pups were both adopted from the APS of Durham. Scorch is afraid of everything and Fugazi is smarter than most people. Because of these awesome dogs, we started volunteering with another local dog rescue and we even adopted a third dog with special needs. They have become the more important than anything else in our lives and have taught us that the more love and kindness you give to something, the more you get back. -Jenn Sanville
WORLD’S BEST DOG! We rescued Walter in 2007, and he is truly special. Walt is very affectionate and will spend the evening on your lap, with his arms around your neck. He gives great hugs. Walter was originally found with an injured eye, which had to be removed. Despite that limitation, he is the best ball player ever.
I adopted my furever friend, Austin, about 2 months ago. He is a rescue from Red Dog Farm in Greensboro. It is one of the best things I have ever done. He is a great pal and a joy to be around! He is a Lab/Golden mix, very intelligent, and has the most wonderful disposition. I would highly recommend Red Dog Farm to anyone who wants to adopt a dog, cat, or one of their other animals (they also rescue horses, goats, sheep….). I am looking forward to a long, healthy, joyful relationship with this big guy. – Annemarie D’Andrea
I foster bassets for Carolina Basset Hound Rescue. Fostering is the step in between the actual rescue of the dog and their permanent adoption. Twinkie came into my life as a foster but she stole my heart immediately. Before she came to me, arrangements had already been made with a family to adopt her, so when she was healthy and ready to go, she was adopted by that family. I was very sad to see her go. Fortunately for me, the adoption didn’t work out so I was able to get her back. She brightens my day every time I look into those big eyes. She loves traveling and meeting people, and is an excellent am”basset”dor for her breed. She’s also an excellent “foster” sister to other bassets that pass through our foster home on their way to their permanent homes. I consider myself very lucky to have her in my life. – Bonnie Bloch
“The worst dog ever” joined on family on Mother’s Day of last year. Winnie is an English Bulldog and is full of sass. The reason we got Winnie was to fulfill a “bucket item list” of my husband’s. He has wanted an English bulldog ever since he was a little boy. I gave the “green light” to go ahead and get one even though we had two small boys at the time. The thought of a new puppy just about did me in…but then we met Miss Winnie and all that changed. What a dog!! If you’re looking for stubborn, sassy, silly, full of energy, and just a darn funny dog, then you’ve already met Winnie. While I tell people jokingly that she is the “worst dog” we’ve ever owned she by far has been the one of the best because of her shining personality and amazing loyalty to this family, especially our boys. We just passed the one year mark with Winnie and if it’s anything like this last year, I know we are in for the ride of our lives with this fun lovin’ bulldog!
Bodie is our 5 year old “Marley”. He has so much character and still gets into things, steal things, and shows off for guests. His favorite thing to steal are shoes and hats. He doesn’t chew them anymore, just steals them and runs around the house showing off. When guests come over, he greets them and then starts running through the house like he’s saying – Look at ME!! I love the sign I have in my kitchen – “Dogs are not our whole life (well maybe sometimes), but they make our lives whole!! AMEN. I couldn’t get through the day without kisses and love from my dog!!
-Linds Veraldi
Britney is my boxer and was my very first foster dog. The night I got her she only weighed 36 pounds. It was so heartbreaking. Amazingly she was still so happy an full of love. To this day she still has to give me a kiss after I put her food down and before she eats. The first night she gave me a kiss and started eating I never asked for it but she gave it willingly and still does to this day. I knew right then and there that she wasn’t going any where. In that time my father passed away so I asked two of my brother if they wanted to adopt her because they fell in love with her too. But they couldn’t so I said, “Fine if you guys can’t adopt her, I will”. If no one in my family wasn’t going to adopt her no one else could. That was 2.5 years ago. Since then she has helped with several scared, skinny and hyper puppies and dogs that we have fostered together. She isn’t only my best friend she’s a foster mom with me and she’s friends with all the other fosters I’ve had and has helped them learn how to be dogs and that not all humans are bad and that they aren’t either.- Dorothy Peters
I got Riley when she was about four weeks old. She had been rescued from a dog fighting ring, rileywhere he little self was being used as a bait dog. She was covered in fleas, full of open wounds, and just a bag of bones. My husband and I nursed her back to health and she is now almost two years old. She is the best friend I could ever have. She knows me so well and she always manages to put a smile on my face. Riley has taught me how forgiving dogs are. Humans had mistreated her and even so she allowed me to take care of her. She trusted me when she really did not have to. I often wonder if I rescued her, or if she rescued me for she has taught me how amazing the bond between a dog and a human can be, and she taught me how much unconditional love she can give. – Rebecca Nakutis
I am so lucky to have had Lily in my life for almost 13 years. She was the best dog anyone could ask for. She was potty trained in 2 days as a puppy and the worst thing she ever did was chew up some toilet paper. She was the most gentle, loving, and grateful dog I have ever known. I got Lily in my sophomore year of college at NCSU. Someone found her in a trailer park eating garbage. She was only 12 weeks old. At first my parents were furious with me because I was in college and not responsible enough for a dog. The first time they laid eyes on that little black and white fur ball their anger quickly dissipated. Anyone who met her could not help but love her instantly. She went everywhere with me, lived in and she literally changed my life. I took her to her vet appointments as a puppy and begged the vet and practice owner for a job every time we were there. Several visits later, he gave in and gave me a job and I still work there today. This job led me to my husband because I ended up marrying a long time client! Lily was always a little fearful of men and I suspect she must have been abused as a puppy but she was never afraid of my husband Matt! She fell in love with him as quickly as I did. We lost Lily last month to pancreatic cancer. We miss her sweet spirit everyday and always will. She was not the lucky one, we were. – Mary and Mat Daniels
I first got Lucky a year after my mother died. It got harder and harder to go home to an empty house so I went to Wake Shelter to find a companion. Big and furry, Lucky wasn’t the type of dog I was looking for. He must have been looking for me though. A lot of people passed by his cage but I was the one he barked at. When I went back to the shelter later in the week, a volunteer said she was worried about the overweight border collie. He was on “death row” scheduled to be put down the next day. It was Lucky. I couldn’t let that happen, so even though he wasn’t a “pocketbook dog” I took him home. It took him two weeks to realize he was safe and he’s turned into my beloved companion. I’ve gotten two more dogs from the shelter, but Lucky will always be number one. You see, I didn’t just save his life, he also saved mine.
– Wanda Taybron
Chamois is a very sweet mixed breed. We adopted her from Wake County Animal Control because she looked like a beagle. As it turned out, she doesn’t have a bit of beagle in her and has gotten quite long-legged. When she was adopted, she was very fearful and would run when approached. She’s made wonderful progress and now gladly greets people and loves to give you kisses on your face! A trainer recently told us that she is a good therapy dog candidate so we plan to begin working and researching this option. -Vicki Schoch
Squeegee is my (almost) 3-year old beagle boy. He came from the Person County Animal Shelter when he was a puppy and has grown to be the sweetest, most snuggly dog! Beagles tend to be overweight and keeping him on Pet Pantry has helped us keep him at his healthy, handsome weight! – Vicki Schoch
Rosco was found in the middle of a cold/rainy night by my husband, as he was on the ramp of I-40. He called me and I rushed over, but Rosco was too scared to come near us. He was completely emaciated and his front leg stood almost straight up. I opened a can of dog food and he came right to me. I honestly didn’t think he would be w/us long, as he just looked like he had lived through hell. That was 8yrs ago!! Rosco gained all his weight and his leg healed on it’s own with time and love. It is amazing what lots of love will do. He is extremely grateful and always happy and smiling! He likes to lay in the sun and eat and get lots of love and back scratches! He is a walker hound and I soon learned the way these beautiful creatures are mistreated and starved to make better hunters. Rosco warms my heart every time he looks at me w/those big ole sweet eyes and smile and reminds me to be grateful for the simple things in life.
– Patty Tuohy
We have had Cody (light colored) since he was a pup. God knew he needed to be with us because as it turns out he is allergic to almost every tree and plant outside! We have spent years giving him allergy shots and meds. I believe your food has helped him, but it is always a struggle. As he grew up, he became very protective and not very friendly to strangers. When he was about 4yrs old, we were looking at dogs for my mom and Hope (the dark one) pulled at our hearts. She had been at a vets office for a year trying to find a home. She was dirty and had been shot in the past, but was the sweetest thing. My mom couldn’t get her, but I just couldn’t leave her. I made a deal with my husband – if we took her home and Cody reacted badly, she would go back. Since Cody is so grumpy and protective he thought this was an easy one. We walked in with Hope and it was a miracle – Cody took to her immediately and they have been best friends ever since! Cody is 12 years old and Hope is about 9 years old. Best Friends!
Bella is our 18 month old Great Dane. We adopted her at 6 weeks, she is the oldest of 13 puppies. She was born deaf as were some of her brothers and sisters because her mother and father both have the merrel gene. Bella is the love of our lives. She is the most affectionate, devoted, loving and biggest lap dog you will ever see. she always has a smile on her face and will warm your heart with the look in her innocent eyes.She is well traveled as she goes everywhere with us!!!-Brenda
Duke is our rescue dog from second chance adoptions. we have had him for 7 years. He is the most awesome dog a human could ever ask for! He loves his Pet pantry food and his peanut butter dog treats and his favorite spot in the house “his leather loveseat!! – Jack and Kim Legault
My sweet boy Bear, whom my mom has dubbed Monster and it stuck, was found on highway 85 near Kerr Lake on the VA border. My husband and I had just returned from doing a dog transport and saw this small black puppy running back and forth on the highway. I stopped my car, drove in reverse up the on-ramp and my husband chased him on foot, as I was rolling forward slowly to come down the ramp I then discovered he had run around the back of us and was hiding under my Honda Element! I jumped out of my car, forgetting to put it in park and reached under the car where Bear nipped me, realized the car was still rolling, jumped back in and put it in park. Got back out, grabbed him from under the car and he has been my shadow ever since. The smartest little devil ever, he’s devious and mischievous and horribly clever. His expressions are almost human, including the eye rolls and heavy sighs of a teenage boy. He and his sisters are his mama’s soul mates! – Lisa Ammirati
I have so many things I can say about the love of my life, Hooch. He was a shepherd/husky mix and I was his momma for 14 fantastic and fun years. There was an old pear tree in our yard and when the fruit would fall to the ground, I would tell him to get a pear and wash it off (in the natural spring we had). And he would! He’d run right to the water and roll it around to get the sand off of it. Hooch was also a great explorer but always came home. I could never get him to stop chasing cars even though he managed to “catch” one of them which resulted in a broken leg. You should have seen us going for walks with a plastic bag wrapped around his cast to keep it from getting wet and dirty. He was even great when we brought home his “brother” Bandit, a blue-heeler. Hooch loved his squeakers and especially enjoyed his treats. He kept me company through my divorce and let me cry on his shoulder. :-)When the time came to make the decision to have Hooch’s life end due to complications from an enlarged heart, it was so difficult. I took him to the vet in the morning and went back that evening after work. Dr. J had his technician bring Hooch to the exam room and fully expected him to give the tech a hard time with jumping and being excited, but Hooch had already begun his decline. Dr. J was shocked because Hooch was active and barking just 30 minutes before. I believe that Hooch knew it would be a difficult decision and made it for me. With God’s blessing I was able to have my best friend for 14 years and I thank Him for this.
He was nicknamed Hoocher Koocher and was loved by all of our families and neighbors.
I couldn’t bring Bandit with me after the divorce, but I was able to bring Hooch as I had him cremated.
I am a mommy to another dog now, her name is Molly and she is a Collie mix. I expect to have her for just as long and can love her as much as I loved Hooch because he taught me how.
Pets are such a huge blessing from God and they make our lives so much more enjoyable. – Karla Skelton
Deogie has been an amazing dog! In my opinion he’s just about perfect. He’s a corgi mix boy, but he’s my big dog in a ldeogieittle dog’s body, a perfect pocket sized pal. I adopted from a high kill shelter just a few days before he was due to be put down and when I first brought him home he was so scared and timid that he didn’t eat for days. For a while I was worried he would never be happy with me, but after several months of bonding with him and gaining his trust he really opened up! Now he is my shadow and my life. I take him everywhere possible and plan special trips to the dog park and dog pond where he loves to boss/herd the big dogs around. A few months ago I had a scary accident at home that really put his love and loyalty to the test. I was attempting to deep-fry chicken for the first time without a deep frier, and left the oil to heat up. Before I knew it there was nasty black smoke billowing out of the kitchen. I didn’t have a fire extinguisher, and in my stupid fear of the house burning down I attempted to carry the burning oil out of the house. Well, I didn’t get far before I dropped the flaming pot, spilling the boiling oil on my leg. As I sat on the back deck nursing my leg and waiting for the ambulance to arrive, there was my boy by my side, trying to lick my leg all better. Even now, when I’m sad or crying, he’s there giving me kisses, trying to lift my spirits. He always seems to know when I need him the most. I don’t know what I would do without my sweet boy there, supporting me. I’m so glad I saved his life, so he could save my heart.
– Brittany Whitaker
Our sweet Bella is a 2 year old Lab mix, that we rescued when she was 8 weeks old. Her mom was a stray and was rescued when she was pregnant with 8 pups. Bella is also known as “mohawk” because she has a mohawk along the back of her neck! She loves people, loves to learn new tricks and adores the snow! Her favorite trick is catching a treat from off her snout!
Tim belonged to a stray pack of dogs who were dumped in the woods. He ran in front of my van years ago and jumped in immediately when I stopped and opened the side door. He was accepted into my “pack” of two dogs and three humans when I brought him home. Since he was able to jump our five-foot fence easily to wander around the neighborhood, all of our neighbors got to know Tim very well and liked him a lot. Tim is a great alpha pack leader, watchdog, friend, and companion. He has always been well-liked by the numerous foster kittens I have brought into our home over the past few years. – Barbara Sambol-Curran
My mother found Beaujohn when he was just a pup wandering around the apartment beaujohncomplex they lived in. Beau has been with her for 17 years, lived the majority of them in California. Unfortunately he was not home when my dad passed, he had had emergency surgery and was still in the hospital. I was so glad he was there for my mother during her grieving time. Him and my mom are now living in Texas with me. Beaujohn has had his health problems that most Dalmatians face, including kidney stones and Pancreatitis. He has a third lid problem with his eyes, but until recently this was never a problem. I! know make sure he is on the bed with his mom, and come home at lunch to take him down for him to go outside for a short period then back up on the bed. He is deaf and blind now and dealing with arthritis. He has always been a gentle dog, tolerating the other critters in the family. – Katy Waterman
Xander is our four year old short haired black and white cat. We’ve had him since he was a little kitten. At the time we had a dog and had agreed to not get a cat yet. I had my heart set on an all black one, and probably a girl. My husband dropped our dog off at the vet for a visit and saw this tiny little fur ball. One of the xanderworkers had found him by a dumpster by himself. My husband came home gushing about this kitty, knowing what I would say. I decided to humor him and go see him for myself. He was nothing like I was looking for and completely perfect! His markings were unique and he had the sweetest disposition that melted your heart right away! From the beginning I was his momma! We named him Xander after a character on Buffy (her friend – more of a lover than a fighter ;). When he was little, he would wake me up in the morning laying on my chest meowing. I called him my kitty dog, because he would come running when I called him just like a puppy. He’s grown into a very handsome cat. He loves to hunt and lounge outside, and comes home for long naps and quite a few meals! When I got pregnant with our daughter he was especially cuddly and when she was born, would even lay quietly beside her in front of the fireplace. He’s tolerated all of the classic kid stuff. Including her putting stickers all over him! I look forward to winters, because he is on my lap every evening, especially when there’s a fire going. I don’t know what I would do without my handsome guy. I absolutely love my Xander. (and the best part is that I’d always been more of a dog person! ;D
Matilda Jane was the very first dog I ever had on my own. Yes, I had many dogs growing up, but Mattie was mine. I brought Mattie home when she was 6 weeks old and that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. We went everywhere and did everything together. She loved to visit PetsMart, or as the family called it “Mattie’s Store.” Mattie would sit in the co-pilot seat in the car and watch the world go by while hanging her head out the window. Once we got within a block of the store she would start to cry. Sometimes she even paced from the front seat to the back if she was really excited. Mattie always came home with a chewy. She never ate it, but she loved to carry it around and show it off to company when they came over. If myself or the visitors didn’t acknowledge the chewy or tell her what a pretty chewy it was, Mattie would pace back and forth in front of the person until they said something. She also had a love for fruits and veggies. I never gave her chewies, except for the ones she carried around, or table food. Mattie ate fruit and veggies for snack her entire life. She especially loved bananas and strawberries. Although, grapes came in a close third. One time I was unpacking groceries and all I saw was a brown butt sticking out of the fridge. Mattie had found the bowl of grapes and was eating them as fast as she could. She jumped a mile when I said her name and turned around to look at me. Her cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunk and she had grapes falling out of her mouth. I laughed so hard I cried. As you can tell, Mattie was my world. For 9 years my whole life revolved around her. Mattie unexpectedly passed away of a heart attack on May 29, 2008 at the age of 9. I miss her every day, but I am extremely grateful for the wonderful memories she left me.
Mandi Chada
Cary, NC
Izzy, our lab/german shorthair pointer mix, is the love of our life! She came to us from a litter of 14! Izzy loves tennis balls, and her couch. This picture is of her as a pup, she has grown to a lean and mean – 65 lbs.
– CC Sumner
Gracie, is my best friend goes everywhere with me. she is a mastiff pit bull terrier that is very docile and sweet loves everyone and is a very social pet.
– Rodney Earley
When I was just a kid Dusty was an unwanted puppy left for euthanasia at a vet’s office. My mom took him in and he quickly became my dog. As I grew up he was my buddy. When no one else would go out and play in the snow with me, he was always happy to join! We would take “winter wonderland” walks together and he would never leave my sight.
He would always run ahead and stop just ahead of me and look and see if I was coming. Although a grumpy dog at times, I knew just how to “do with” him and we got along great. Dusty had a lot of funny quirks that made him special to me. He lay down like a lazy dog when he ate, he turned his head sideways and listened when I talked to him, he slept behind the couch or under the bed, always. He followed me from room to room, inside and outside, everywhere.
We were always together. When I called home from college I would always ask how my buddy was doing. When I got married, I brought him with me to North Carolina. When our first daughter was just 6 months old, he was diagnosed with liver cancer on Feb 6th, my birthday, and then had to be put down on the 10th. He was 14 years old. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, carrying him into that office and not being able to talk. I had a great dog and special memories of him. I thank God for the comfort and gift he was to me in my life.
Ivey Godfrey
Wake Forest, NC