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Fun Winter Doggie Games

I don’t know about you, but after 8 years in Minnesota, I’m done with the cold. I’m done with the chapped lips, and cracked hands, and I’m especially done with the wind that rips across you, leaving nothing but a chilled skeleton in its wake. But, God bless them, my dogs will spend any time […]

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Flea Prevention

Forget About Fleas with the Right Flea Prevention for You and Your Family. These days there are a number of flea preventatives to choose from including a bath in dawn soap to kill adult to monthly topical and oral preventatives that also prevent heartworms and gastrointestinal parasites. It can be overwhelming, but to simplify how […]

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Allergies in Dogs

What Are Allergies? Just like people, dogs can show allergic symptoms when their immune systems begin to recognize certain everyday substances—or allergens— as dangerous. Even though these allergens are common in most environments and harmless to most animals, a dog with allergies will have an extreme reaction to them. Allergens can be problematic when inhaled, […]

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5 Things Your Pet Needs When Going under Anesthesia

  PRE-ANESTHETIC BLOOD WORK – the internal organ function blood tests gives your veterinarian a glimpse of how your pet’s internal organs are functioning – liver, kidneys, etc. Once your veterinarian reviews the results, they can make important decisions on the anesthesia protocol they will use and make changes it accordingly. For instance, if your […]

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7 Steps to the ‘Come’ Command

K9 Solutions Training Tips by Sylvie Pleasant Make coming to you the best thing in the world! Use lots of enthusiasm and praise with a happy voice tone. Make sure you have their attention before you use the word Come. Only use the word Come once then go get him right away and cheerfully lead […]

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What does ‘Holistic’ mean?

Is the word ‘Holistic’ marketing hype when it comes to pet food? The short answer is that it can be. There is no legal definition for the term ‘Holistic’ so companies can use it as they wish. What you need to do is read into the label and past the title to find out what […]

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Dog Training Tips

Do you have problems with your dog lunging at passerbys, dogs, squirrels, joggers, cars, etc.? Here are suggestions to eliminate/minimize the behavior before it escalates into major problems. 1. Don’t allow your dog access to the entire yard where he can practice barking, lunging, etc. at people near your property. This behavior can eventually turn […]

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6 Key Signs of Dental Disease in your Pet

6 Key Signs of Dental Disease: Discoloration Bad breath/ odor Redness of gums Drooling Discomfort chewing Tooth loss Similar to your own teeth, normal eating activities will result in plaque and tartar build-up on your pet’s teeth. If left for a long period of time, tarter will continue to build-up on the surfaces of the […]

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Welcome to Dr. Heather Moeser, MS, DVM

We are delighted to announce a new addition to our Pet Pantry family, Dr. Heather Moeser, MS. DVM. Doctor Moeser will be sharing her considerable experience and wisdom with us all on our new web site blog. The most exciting thing for us is that Dr. Moeser also has an advanced degree in pet nutrition. […]

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Lighten Up!

Is your 4-legged companion at a healthy weight? Before I go on I must confess, I have an overweight dog. I am working on Piper’s weight but it is a challenge as anyone who has tried to lose weight or has tried to trim down an overweight dog knows. But I am not alone. Today […]

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Welcome to The Pet Pantry Blog

I’m using this first blog post to explain what I intend for this blog to be, our mission statement so to speak.  This blog will be an information source on topics related to your pet’s nutrition, health and overall wellness.  I will post information I have learned over the years and topics that I hope […]

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